
February 19, 2021

Unfortunately there haven’t been many weather windows for the last week or so, which limits real fishing intel. But with the sun expected back and drier conditions ahead, more anglers will be getting out. Finding cleaner water will be key, though.

With all the rainfall, expect the coastal rivers and larger tidal creeks to be murky and flooding. Trout especially don’t like to compete with silt. So those waterways closer to the Gulf, with higher salinity levels, would be the best spots to prospect. Adding noise, scent or both to offerings will also help the fish hone in on the baits.

Redfish are much more tolerant of marginal water conditions. The fish were schooling before the monsoons, so don’t overlook known haunts when you hunt again. Flooded shorelines, shell bottom and creek holes with rock are redfish heaven. Weedless gold spoons like the Aqua Dream 1/4-ounce versions will cover a lot of water and the vibration is a good attractant. Gold or pink shades are preferred with the water a little cloudy or tannin-stained. Spinnerblade rigs with a soft-plastic minnow like the CALs or Sureketch touts are another good option.

If winds and seas allow, a jaunt to the nearshore artificial reefs or limestone bottom will give access to black sea bass. These tasty scrappers are a blast on light tackle and will hit most anything. They provide a great chance to clean out the tackle box. You might also score a flounder or two.

Now is the perfect opportunity to do some coastal exploring and prep for the upcoming season. Take a rod, but use the lower winter tides to mark hazards and fishing spots in the GPS. Those numbers will come in handy later. It’s also the ideal time to get the boat in for annual servicing before the shops get slammed. Tune-up the outboard, check the trailer and fix any little nagging problems so you’ll be ready when the fishing really does turn on again.

Copyright 2021, Capt. Dave Lear. All rights reserved.