Here’s a recap of my short jaunt Friday afternoon, the 13th. I have been working the last three weeks on replacing my trolling motor plug and swapping out my OEM fuel tank with a new powder-coated baffled replacement. Both were bigger projects than I expected, but it’s a boat, right? Anyway, both are finished and work great. I will really appreciate the non-sloshing when I’m poling up on some of those super skittish redfish Santa Rosa County is known for.
With the cold and negative low nearly full moon tides, I wasn’t in a rush to get out. Launched at Carpenter’s Park at 11:30 and eased down the river. Even though the sun was shining brightly, I’m glad I had on my hoodie and Buff.
Poked my nose into a couple spots but the lack of water made me hunt elsewhere. That move worked out well. Started easing towards a shoreline where some mullet were active and got a solid thump on my DOA near clear 1/4-oz shrimp. A frisky 16″ redfish gave a brief battle before he was set free. I heard some commotion and saw a copper-blue tail wagging more than a cast away. Tried to get into position for a shot, but that fish was on the move. Spooked a couple bulls that I couldn’t see laying on the dark bottom.
Broke out the 6-wt fly rod with a shrimp pattern to try and entice one on the long wand. None wanted to play. Switched back to my Deadly On Anything shrimp and picked up another cookie cutter red and finished the day with a spunky 2.5-pound trout, also on the DOA. With the sun getting lower, it was time to head back in. It wasn’t a banner day, but it was a good shakedown cruise for my recent upgrades. The beer was cold, the seas were slick and I had it all to myself. Plus I caught three target species so I certainly wasn’t unlucky.
Now I’m ready to really focus on the winter season!
Copyright 2024, Capt. Dave Lear
All rights reserved.